
2nd Sept 13 New month with a new trouble...Thalassemia.

Thai ver. click

Gestation : 20 weeks
  Today I have to visit to the hospital for my blood result I was go to the hospital since 08.30 and have been waited for 30 mins for nurse call 
  She tell the result is me and my bf be carriers of alpha-thalassemia ..what's it? nurse explain us is...
Thalassemia have 2 types for it is Alpha and Beta and alpha is worse than beta 
alpha have 2 types also is alpha-thalassemia 1 and alpha-thalassemia 2 and in our case me and my bf we both be carries of alpha-thalassemia but don't know what's type are we yet so our baby have chance 25% be a normal,25% be a carries and 25% be a disease but our bigger problem is this thalassmia have chance to make my baby get bloat and can be death.so we have to visit to the hospital again on the next week for answer what's type thalassemia are we.
  after we get back to home we try to find the information about thalassemia,the result said the worse type of thalassemia is 1 and 1 but if we have type 1 and 2 or 2 and 2 that's ok.so have to wait for the next week first :(